Sankalpa the power of intention –

a New Year reSOULution

8 January 2021 – 10:00-12:00pm

£20 (includes 7 day access to online recording)

The end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one such as New Year, is usually the time for “resolution” towards something better. More often than not, these good intentions are set aside and we go back to our old ways.



We willWe will explore the power of  Sankalpa or “Heartfelt Intention”, a desire for change. Sankalpa isn’t just any intention, like losing 10 pounds in weigh — although it can be — , it’s a guidance that comes from your unconscious mind and , revealed through listening to our inner wisdom, shed from events, emotions and thoughts that colour our perception. By allowing us to see clearly what we really seek, Sankalpa empowers us to move from intention to realisation.

We will cover

We will learn:
• the teachings of Sankalpa and the four essential human desires: meaning, prosperity, joy and freedom
• practice asana sequences which explore our subtle bodies (where our deepest expressions are stored), breathing and meditation to support self enquiry.
• experience the guided process of meditation, self reflection and journaling to reveal your Sankalpa.
• learn to make a commitment to a 40 day Sadhana (your practice) to empower your Sankalpa and remind yourself of the intention we discovered during the workshop.

We will together contemplate how you would like to feel during the coming year. Is there any way you can reframe your results-oriented resolutions into something that will make this year’s journey more joyful and worthwhile?  such as ‘May I be happy and open to what life brings me’.

Open to all levels. Bring a notepad or journal and pen.

Reserve your space

You can book directly below or send an email with any further questions I’d be happy to answer.